Literacy | APlayC
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Literacy Services

Reading and writing are essential skills. They are a means of building expressive communication, an understanding of language and can help a child make sense of their world. 


As children edge closer to school years many factors can influence their ability to be able to read and write. This includes the changing communicative and physical demands, cognitive skills and sensory experiences.

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APlayC can provide:


- Comprehensive literacy assessment 

- We can provide intervention based on the Four Blocks Approach to literacy. This includes blocks such as guided reading, self-selected reading, writing and working with words dependent on your child's assessment

- Work closely with your allied health team such as Occupational Therapists when necessary

- We can also provide school aged literacy support for phonemic awareness (understanding words are made up of individual sounds), print knowledge (identifying letters, words and symbols) and story comprehension (being able to express and understand what happened in a story)

- Workshops are available


Contact us regarding our Literacy Services.


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