Getting Started Packages | APlayC
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Getting Started Packages and Workshops

Families are spending too long on waitlists and we understand the frustration! We want to help you to get going with therapy by offering our Getting Started Packages and Workshops.

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Getting Started Package: Key-Word Sign

Key Word Sign (KWS) is used to encourage and support language development in children and adults with communication difficulties. 

If you would like to find out more about this approach  and feel confident with using this method we invite you to consider this package.


What is included:

- Initial phone call with Speech Pathologist

- Telehealth appointment/mobile appointment to upskill you to use this approach with your child

- Customised resources to suit your child

- Development of a practice plan to help the people that support your child to consistently use this approach during routines

- A review appointment to discuss your progress and troubleshoot

- Reporting as required


Contact us about our Getting Started: Key Word Sign Package

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