Early Intervention | APlayC
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Early Intervention Services

Early intervention is crucial for providing families with the resources and skills they need to enhance their child's communication. 


Early intervention can help with fostering relationships, developing communication and setting children up for those early school years. 


We want to support families to embed learning and communication opportunities into their daily routines- so it doesn't feel like "therapy". This could be routines like mealtimes, brushing teeth and going to bed. 

APlayC can provide:


- Assessment of your child's language, speech and play

- Evidence based intervention approaches such as the Hanen: More Than Words program. This program is specifically designed for parents with children on the Autism Spectrum, or that have social communication difficulties. This program can be offered face to face or via teletherapy

- Provide families with individualised resources for their goals

- Link families in with relevant support networks 

- Assisting families with knowledge of when to refer to other allied health professionals e.g. audiologist, ear nose and throat specialists


Contact us regarding our Early Intervention Services.


If you would like further information regarding developmental milestones for communication please see the download below from Speech Pathology Australia.

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