Communication Passport | APlayC
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Communication Passport

Does your child have any upcoming transitions?


For example: they might be starting at a new school, preparing for a hospital visit or starting with a new support worker.

This can be a nervous time for families as they adjust to new people around them. Having a passport can make this transition easier as it allows people to have a way to know how your child communicates, what their likes/dislikes are and what works best to support them.


Whats involved:

- Initial phone call with Speech Pathologist

- Telehealth/ mobile appointment to gather information to complete the passport

- A unique passport will be created to suit your child e.g. their favourite colours, pictures

- Telehealth/ mobile appointment to discuss how to implement the passport

- A review appointment to discuss your progress and  troubleshoot 

- Reporting as required


Multiple passports can be made- Contact us about your needs and we can provide you with costings for this service.


* Please note that families are required to send through any photos/ important information that they would like included in their child’s book. 

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